Sunday, January 20, 2008

legend for life

                                                     ॐ घृणि सूर्याय नम:

The Sun is the greatest planet among all in the sky and is the very cause of life on the planet. It is Indicative of light inner {spiritual} as well as outer {mundane world}.

Sun is the very cause of soul, illusion, and life. Sun is a Giant planet that is known for being the cause of life and nature. Indicative of fire as main but also reflect unto varyings subjects that concern with life_

In health, it leads to_
Eyes as main
Fluids in bones
The right side of the body is the main

Sun is the Karaka of Atman,

Sun is the truth of Masculine,

Ten degrees sharp in Aries indicates its exalted state,

Cause of ain't yogas in Atro truth,

The sun if placed in the tenth house indicates the light of wisdom,

For fame, in endeavors, the prime state of the Sun matters the most,

Sun alone imparts energy in primary mode,

Well placed sun in the zodiac indicates the truth of energy in the concerned inhabitant,

Though  indication remains active throughout life span it pitched at its most in flux with fifty of age,

Sun, a king, a lion, a light that wisdom for self,

Sri Amavasya is the day of the Sun and Purnima is the truth of the Moon,

Tides in the sea are regulated by the sun alone in truth with its position along with the Moon,

Ether truth is ruled by the might of the Sun,

Color is nothing but the dispersion of light, and the truth of life is the sun alone,

Though stars have their own truth of luminosity that ever remains connected with the sun through ether reality,

Uninterrupted energy flows in an infinite mode in all directions in varying forms, science needs evolution to tap it for the cause on the planet,

Sun being a fiery planet is predominantly Satvic in nature, the most beneficial planet all the way, though hard to reach it reaches all in varying forms,

When Mars and Jupiter hardly support the truth of success in life, the sun helps inhabitants beyond bound, and devotees may rely upon,

Sun, moon, Rahu, and Ketu quadrant to each other to form a cycle to neutralize the afflictions of Rahu and Ketu at once,

Sun at its highest point of exaltation indicates numerous favors for life in manifest and hidden forms,

Budhaditya Yoga has its own merit either in candent or in trine, and this yoga alone ever remains free from affliction of any kind of sight from malefic aspects of the planet whatever their position,

 Sun is known as Savitri that truth of being the innermost reality of spirit and matter,

Sun is known through the truth of the austere penance of his Mother Aditi,

If  anything can charge the spirit eternally that is the sun alone,

Sun is intended to convey a spirit of being with truth in the journey,

Sun is not only limited to the vision through the eyes but the truth of incision is solely ruled by the Sun alone,

Light in the truth of imagination and dreams either in a sleep state or in wakeful consciousness relates to the sun alone,

The feet are the last limp in the body and the head is the first ever to remain in flux with the sun in direct ether code, 

The heart is ruled by the light of the Sun,

The sun is the soul of all that exists, whether inert or active truth or animate or inanimate,

The Sun is the reality of truth and the truth of existence,

The whole solar system relies upon the truth of the Sun,

The sun caught hold of all unsupported material reality whatever the form,

For mortal beings, it could be a distant truth but for immortal reality, beings may approach it in direct truth,

Atman can visit the sun all well irrespective of its fiery truth,

Sun and moon are the most soothing resort of the soul hereafter,

Oblations made to the sun to gratify the souls of ancestors in Kanagat,

The sun represents the truth of Pitars in many forms, Pitar Puja relates to the sun in respective truth,

Sun yields many fields for the cause of this universe and life, among them electricity, magnetism, gravity, and ether are very few to intercept,

The truth of the infant stage, childhood, and adolescence can be reviewed through the status of the moon in the zodiac,

The truth of youth can be reached out with the truth of Mars in the zodiac, 

The truth of mature age can be derived from the status of Jupiter in the zodiac,

The venus and mercury reflect through the span of life at different pitches, 

The last quarter of age can be well read out through the reality of Saturn in the zodiac,

Sun influence the most in the fifties but the past and future of Atman can be evaluated from the truth of Sun and Jupiter in relation with,

Rahu and Ketu track the middle and later part of life at its most,

Constellation has its own truth to react to the transit phase of the moon and the sun and many chapters of life can be reached through,

The sun is the source of Light in life and for life.

Sun very causes for any strength and willpower for here as well hereafter, is the main source of all kinds of energies making this universe run in pace.

In this universe nothing can exist without the sun is the truth.

It is a vital factor for any existence here in this universe.

The sun as per the version of saints is the soul of this universe.

In the spiritual domain, the body is sustained and enlivened by the sun.

Sense perception is the main subject of life on the planet that cannot be experienced without the features of the sun.

Sun is linked with all three worlds, Earth, heavenly bodies, and intervening spaces. All sorts of inspirations are driven through the core center of the sun alone.

As per the quotes of saints, life broadly emerges from the rays of the sun and merges in the stream of Light.

The sun is a great compassionate planet known to one and all, it acts as a wish-yielding tree for its devotees.

I make my obeisance in the lotus feet of the great planet, the so-called Sun.

Light is taken from the pristine source of wisdom which reflects through knowledge and The Sun Is the Cause, the sun and his rays are the truth of the ideology

The sun is one of the forms of Lord Sri Hari Narayana who resides as the immanent being of the cosmos that emanated from himself

The Sun is held to have come out of the eyes of an invincible cosmic being, the presiding deity of eyes especially the vision from the right.

Fear of danger disease and death is instinctive in all beings but man is highly prone to it, the Sun helps the spirit to rise above the shadow of fear through the wisdom of light and truth

Diet of mind is noble thoughts for a truthful intellect and The Sun is a stimulator,

Sunrise is conducive to the wakeful and conscious state, they who meditate upon the eternal sun at the core retrace of the heart attain the designated state for the cause,

Seven colors of the Light belong to seven features of the truth available for the spirit in the journey
Red, the pace
Green the fertility
Blue, the knowledge
Yellow, the celebration
Orange, the interceptor
Violet, the enthusiasm
White, the peace

The ruler of the worlds, who is crowned with rays, appears at the horizon without fail, is greeted by the gods and demons, and brings Light to the world

Indeed he is the embodiment of all gods and full of glory and creates and sustains the gods and demons as well as their world by his rays

Indeed he is the same as Brahma, The Absolute

Is the Spirit

Is the Time

Are myriad rays

Is the physician of gods even

Is the god of retribution

Is the progenitor of the human race

Is wind god

Is the life breath of the universe

He courses swiftly along his own orbit, carries in him the revolves to revolve the universe and is adorned with a cycle of rays

He constitutes all created beings

Very a source of the seasons

Appear in twelve forms to Form a year

An offspring of Aditi

The very course in heaven

The core base of energy of this universe

The controller of all lunar mansions

The illuminator of all-stars in the sky

The Sender of thick shower and Giver of water

Seven houses to his chariot are an indication of varying subjects unto seven

Destroyer of the Dark and Cold

The giver of victory

Valiant one, the subduer of the senses and awakener of lotus

Dispeller of ignorance and architect of this universe
the Knowledge incarnate

Exterminator of foes

The one whose extent is immeasurable

Though a Fire but Bliss Personified

The one who delivers oneself from the truth of existence and should never lower oneself
Cause life to inhabitants but never cause death to anyone on the Astro sphere of the zodiac
Indeed a Kingmaker
Rescue one on the sphere of life from the evil spirit
The sun is a life line of this planet and very cause of life on the planet which ever form it may be,

 Indeed the Sun is the soul of this universe.

It is for a note that first it comes the sun then vision for the existence of universe.
Ancient books and the version of saints speak the truth of sun in varying forms to elaborate the subject but none is competent enough to reach at depth of this legendary planet,
Sun is not just a planet, it is the cause of planets their in the sky and their pace including the wonder Earth we belongs to.
Beauty of the earth belongs to the sun alone,
As per Vedic version, sun is the cause of soul in life. It indicates unto soul directly in life. It is the only source of light for life either in the form to enlighten the materialistic world or enlighten the inner core of heart, a close associate of soul through the wisdom of knowledge.

Soul is the image of sun and indicates the same through its pace their in with different mode under the influence of bondage under illusion.

Life on the planet revolves round the sun, as it comes in front of sun, activated to interact with and as it parts off in the form of night it rest upon like as partially dead [as if no life]. Life got awakening state with the rise of sun and adore with state of rest with the set of sun.

To make a note of it that sun neither rise nor set but maintain its state as inanimate in its fix orbit with its fixed pace on for self and the life it is animate nature of Earth makes one to have vision of sunrise and sunset.

Western astrology has taken sun as its base for all calculation. As per western astrology sun decides the fate of sign one born in where as in Vedic culture it is moon that indicates unto zodiac sign of new born.
Vedic wisdom as taken sun as its pillar and post on for life on many major issues on the subject of astrology.

As per astro notes Sun is a masculine planet which indicates Self reliance on the chapter of life. In zodiac it indicates the political will on the social stream. Temperament and behavior of concern one is evaluated with the status of sun in zodiac.

Money landing business has its special bearing including its doctoring capacities their in. Places of worship are indicated by this giant planet. Worship mode on its true pace is directly reflected unto life by the Sun.

Sun indicates the pink color as main, the color of celebration in life. It indicates the celebration mode with its power and status in the zodiac. It is also indicative of copper color.

In education it has its special indication on the subject of philosophy. It is planet which induces decent modes in life style for self. It indicates the months on the sphere of time especially.

It indicates the son and father on the social stream as per its zodiac status. It also reflects on the ego and self respect of all species of life.
It is main source of energy in life.

It indicates the most precious metal gold.

It indicates the gem Ruby at its most.

As per astro notes, moon mars and the Jupiter very friends of the Sun where as Saturn and Venus is taken as its enemy. It got exalted in zodiac sign Aries at 10 degree sharp. It got debaleted in Libra 10 degree. It own Leo sign in the zodiac and keep favorable look for.

Exalted sun indicates lot of benefic effects in life where as debaleted sun inflicts bit hardness in life on many sphere concern with. A planet situated in its own sign is always considered powerful to do well in life at respective times.

It bears full sight on the seventh house in zodiac for referral their in life. Sun is the planet indicating prosperity to zodiac sign Aries Scorpio Sagittarius as mains.

3rd 7th10th and 11th houses of zodiac are the benefic houses of this great planet sun. It takes a month to transit through any zodiac sign. It takes 365.25 days to cover all zodiac signs which eventually taken as span of a year.
Kritika uttara phaguni and uttara sudha are the constallations in meridian with planet relates to on many chapter while to go for evolution,  decide its transit mode of life at the beginning which last 6 years on for life in 120 years of Vimsottary 

Any planet in the same sign as that of Sun considered combusted and combusted planets usually remains fail to reflect nice unto life in broad spectrum. But mercury is under exception from this mode as since the start of this era mercury always found very close to sun maximum it could very either the next house or the last house as occupied by the sun.

Nobleness to figure and increases health prospects is the clear indications of the sun. Sun indicates bones teeth &and skull including the fluid in bones in the body. It is indicative of skin very much in body profile. Eyes are the subject of sun in body as main.

Art is subject matter of sun at its most, art of living is the chapter of sun in life, and fairness in life and neatness around is the say of sun. Where peoples influenced with sun wishes have neatness all around and passion for art in life.

Sun is the planet indicates maturity in life. Glory of life is also indicated by the sun.

Sun is the cause of all resources on the planet for life. Sun is only source of energy on the planet either in the form of life or their in and every materialistic mode contains the energy of sun directly or indirectly. Pace of life is energies through the sun only though this energy got recharge with moon at night in the state of total rest.

The sun is taken by the Vedic wisdom as the Sun god, supreme cause of life, supreme among the chapter soul and the supreme.

It is source of light & energy for life along with all there in. color belongs to the light & light belongs to energy & energy belongs to sun. There are seven colors in light is taken as indicative of seven horses of chariot with one wheel occupied by the sun in its regular course. These seven colors are indicative of seven days of week & seven seas on the planet.

East is the direction of this great planet from where it rises to bless the life, with prayer people paves the path to reach at self. Even otherwise East is also considered the best for prayer in life.

It is planet which indicates unto nerves and senses in life. Sun represents the marshal class in life. Tall height is the subject of Sun but in proportion to width or a pleasing personality. Thin and tall is the indication of Saturn unto personality.

Sun is the one which erase the sin from the life. Sun is the one which erase the dark from the life. Sun is the one which could lead one to final beatitude in life.


The Knowing Sage Agastya, who had come and joined the gods to witness the fierce battle, seeing Rama was lost in deep thoughts, utterly exhausted in battle when Ravana was changing scenes one after the other through his Mystic skill

Sage Said To Sri Rama through an invisible entity_
O Sri Rama, Listen to this eternal secret whereby you shall vanquish in battle all your foes,

This Holy hymn to the presiding deity of the Sun, if chanted fervently, will result in the destruction of all your enemies and bring you Victory and unending supreme felicity,

Indeed it is supreme and guarantees all-round prosperity, destroyer of sin, allayer of anxiety and anguish, and bestower of longevity,

Do thou worship with hymn the one that Sun, held in veneration by gods and others, possessed of golden color rays when he wholly rose in the morning, The lord of the universe by whose effulgence all else brighten,

He verily represents the totality of all  celestial beings, self-luminous and sustainer of all,

He protects the inhabitants of all worlds and puts forth the rays that nourish and energies

He is Creator Brahma, sustainer Vishnu, and destroyer Shiva

He is_
Skand, the inhalation of all foes
Prajapati, Lord of all creatures
Mahendra, the king of celestial beings
Kala, the Lord of time
Yuma, The Death God
Soma, the giver of nectar
Varuna, the Lord of Water
Pitars, The ancestral manes
The vases, the eight dispensers of treasures
Twin God Ashwani, the celestial physician
Maruts, the celestial beings
Manu, the all-knowing and primeval sovereign
Vayu, the Wind god
Agni, the god of Fire
Vital air, that sustains self within
that in created beings and maker of Six seasons
An essential source of all light and energy for the cause of this universe,

He is the Son of Aditi, the mother of all gods,
Creator of the universe, inspirer of action, golden-hued brilliance, the golden cosmic generative fluid, and maker of the day and night

He is an all-pervading one with countless rays, the power behind seven sense organs, two eyes ears-two nostrils, and the tongue and the dispeller of darkness that origination of ignorance,

He is the bestower of happiness and prosperity

He is the remover of the misfortunes of his votaries

He is an infuser of life in the otherwise mundane egg of existence

There is no place in the universe bare from the rays of The Sun

He is the primordial one who has become the trinity, the ambrosial soothing influence, the store-house of riches, the ushering-in of the day, the great teacher of even Hiranyagarbha, the fire womb Narayana, Remover of evil-mindedness

He is Lord of the firmament; The master of the three Vedas Rig, Yajur, and Sama

He from whom comes the downpour of rain, a friend of water friend and benefactor of pure-minded

He is the one that intensely absorbed in creating the cosmos with a form of circular, adorned with gems,

He is a Motive force of Pingala Nadi that changeover state from the moon to the sun and sun to the moon in brethren

He is yellow colored one that is omniscient exceedingly energetic beloved of all and a generator of all actions

He is Lord of Stars planets and constellations and the origin of everything in this universe, the resplendent cause of the luster,
the sentient being manifest in the twelve forms of the Sun

He appears in the east and disappears in the west on the pace of the planet, the lord of stellar bodies

He ordinates victory in the quest after liberation, thousand-eyed Lord

He is terrible and relentless to those who do not keep their senses under control, his power alone emerges in the form of a lotus blossom

He is lord of all the three characters of this existence that are powerful and to the intrinsic effulgence in the Sun that is at once the illuminator and the devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra

He is the one that destroys the fear and foes, the inhalator of the ungrateful, and the Lord that rules over all

He is a lord shining like molten gold, a transcendental fire, fire of the supreme knowledge, architect of this universe, effulgent sentience that is also the cosmic witness,

He is a lord who destroys everything to create them all again, he is the one that through his rays consumes the waters, heats them up to vapors,  and sends them down again as rain for the cause

He is the one that abides in the heart of all beings keeping them awake even when they are asleep,

He is both sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshipers thereof,

The Sun is indeed the lord of all actions in this universe, he is verily Vedas, the sacrifices ordained therein and fruits thereof,

O Raghava, he who recites this hymn in times of peril, during affliction, while lost in the wilderness, and when beset with fear, will not lose heart,

O Raghava, This God of all gods, the almighty lord of the universe, with one-pointed devotion, reciting this hymn thrice you shall emerge victorious in battle,

O Raghava, at this very moment, O mighty-armed one, you shall triumph over Ravana, having thus Agastya returned whence he had from,

Having heard this Raghava felt fortified, full of ardor, and greatly pleased

Gazing instantly at Aditya and reciting hymn, He experienced supreme felicity, purifying himself after sipping water thrice the mighty took up his arrow,

Seeing Ravana in front of Him he was delighted and came forth to fight, He put forth all his great effort determined to annihilate Ravana,

Then knowing the end of Ravana was at hand, The Aditya-the central figure in the assembly of gods, looked at Rama with a mind filled with delight and exclaimed-Hurry Up


In all the Vedic literature, the Glory of Surya Narayana is elaborated at its true pitch

Surya Narayana and his relationship with Universe is the part of the truth of life

This sacred relationship with phenomenon added their pious probe into noumenon and realization unto truth with the path that parts with one undeniable reality

The reality of life is indicated through senses concerning nature inspired by the truth of Surya Narayana

The Surya Narayana is a Symbol of Absolute
The Surya Narayana is the truth of Light and energy
The Surya Narayana is the Vision of the world

The power of Brahma is highlighted through the presence of Truth that is self-luminous and The Surya Narayana is

Surya Narayana spontaneous of his potency and life infusing benevolence

Light and heat are not the indications that enlighten the pace of the globe but whatever exists radiates the truth of The Surya Narayana

Blessings of The Surya Narayana is a continued never process for one and all From eon to eon

The Omnipotence of the perceptible Surya Narayana convinces the aspirants of the omnipresence of the imperceptible Brahma
Fear of danger disease and death is instinctive in all beings, but man is highly prone to it, the Sun helps the spirit to rise above the Shadow of fear through the wisdom of light and truth
Seven colors of the Light belong to seven features of the truth available for the spirit in the journey
Red, the pace
Green the fertility
Blue, the knowledge
Yellow, the celebration
Orange, the interceptor
Violet, the enthusiasm
White, the peace
Gayatri Mantra,
It invokes the blessings from Bhagwan Surya Narayana

On Tat Saviturvarenyam
Bhargo devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodyaat

We meditate unto the adorable effulgence of the self-luminous simulator, may he inspire our intellect for the cause

Sunrise is conducive to a wakeful and conscious state, they who meditate upon the eternal sun at the core retrace of the heart attain the designated state for the cause
ऊँ आदित्याय विदमहे दिवाकराय धीमहि 
तन्नो सूर्यः प्रचोदयत

Prayer of the sun brings the life close to self and erases the hurdles of life health wise as well social hardship. Blessings of this giant planet could change the fate to favor in life.


 Hails to you, the giver of victory

Hails to you, the one having green horses to the chariot that of one wheel

Hails to you, the fierce one

Hails to you, possessor of the luster of refined gold

Hails to you, an onlooker of the world

Hails to you, the Son of Sri Aditi and Sage Kashyap

Hails to you, the Sun God, the indwelling the solar orb

Hails to you, the cause of awakening spirit even while sleeping in mundane transition,

Hails to you, the one denoted by the mystic syllabus OM

May this Gracious planet Sun bless the life to experience all the goodness of life,

Thanks, Please